Saturday, December 3, 2016


I've put the title above in quotes. The problem is I'm not sure who's the source. Possibly it's David Suzuki. Regardless I admit that I'm not convinced one way or the other. This week Prime Minister Trudeau announced rejection of one proposed pipeline and acceptance of another. I believe the rejected one was through British Columbia to deliver Alberta bitumen to the west coast for export. The go ahead pipeline I believe was from Alberta south to the United States. One of its' names is the Trans Mountain pipeline.

So if Mr. Suzuki and many more like minded groups from Sierra Legal, Council of Canadians, Friends of the Earth etc. are all against ANY new oil or gas pipelines; has Prime Minister Trudeau screwed up royally? I believe the Waterloo Region Record earlier this week commented on how the Green Party and the NDP say yes he did by approving the one new pipeline (to date) as the Conservative party also said that Mr. Trudeau screwed up however by refusing the one pipeline go ahead that he did. Therefore our Prime Minister has confidently seized the middle ground with the loyal opposition diametrically opposed to his position.

Sooooo the easy position to take is the typical Canadian middle of the road position which our governing Liberal Party are on. That said when I look at the actors involved from the Green Party, NDP, David Suzuki, Sierra, Council of Canadians etc. versus the Conservatives position for all pipelines and the Liberal position in favour of only some pipelines I'm starting to lean towards the no pipeline position. Almost everybody (except Trump & Canadian Conservatives) admits that the world must get off our petroleum addiction due to global warming and so many more environmental crises.

No the world cannot literally go cold turkey. But are we going to move away from petroleum and it's awful consequences so incredibly slowly that we are going to continue to build infrastructure for it? To me that doesn't seem to recognize the urgency of the world's crisis.

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