Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Currently there is an ongoing Appeal of a Control Order issued by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment on the Directors of Northstar Aerospace. Basically the Directors are trying to get out of their responsibility to maintain ongoing pump and treat operations at the Bishop St. site in Cambridge. I was sent an M.O.E. issues list yesterday which may have upcoming hearing dates on it but so far I can't open the darn thing.

Tomorrow evening of course is the monthly Chemtura Public Advisory Committee meeting held in Woolwich Council Chambers at 6 pm..

Tuesday May 7/13 is the next public meeting of Woolwich Bio-En. It's being held at the Memorial Centre (arena) on Snyder Ave. in the Concourse Cafe at 7 pm..

There will be a public CPAC orientation/education meeting in Woolwich Council Chambers on May 21/13 at 9 am..

The usual last Thursday of the month is CPAC time again therefore Thursday May 30/13 in Woolwich Council Chambers. Tomorrow nites CPAC is due to scheduling conflicts that it couldn't be held last Thursday.

I will also throw in here the likely June CPAC meeting of Thursday June 27/13, 6 pm. .

The Hunder Pit Ontario Municipal Board hearing is scheduled for September. I had heard September 3 suggested a long time ago but can't confirm that. I am appalled to say that I have no upcoming dates for the proposed Capitol Pit in West Montrose. It is truly ridiculous how long these stupid proposals are allowed to drag on without resolution.

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