Thursday, November 8, 2012



Where will it end? How far will they go before they throw in the towel and tell the public the truth? We knew that Uniroyal/Chemtura's dissolved contaminants had flowed far and wide. Through the sixties and seventies the Canagagigue Creek was dead courtesy of Uniroyal. In 1989 both the north and south wellfield were contaminated with Uniroyal's NDMA plus more. UPAC & CPAC citizens advisory committees were told that while Uniroyal/Chemtura was forever contaminated and could only be hydraulically contained; the rest of Elmira only had dissolved contaminants flowing in the aquifers which could be cleaned up by 2028.

Slowly the truth is emerging as the local municipal politics have finally changed. The CPAC housecleaning by the new Woolwich Council has lifted the curtain. There are free phase DNAPLS 100 feet below ground by the Howard St. water tower. Chemtura's consultants with help from their co-conspirators the M.O.E. have published ridiculous drivel and nonsense in trying to deny it. Meanwhile just recently the young CPAC have discovered documents written by two hydrogeologists in which they express their opinions that Uniroyal/Chemtura's free phase DNAPL has flowed off site onto their neighbours property. Although these opinions were written six years ago only last week does there seem to be any attempt to deal with these off-site sources located on the Yara/Nutrite property. It certainly clarifys for me why Uniroyal had a hands off policy towards Nutrite's Ammonia contamination for so long. Afterall how do you complain to your neighbour about his kids bicycle on your front lawn when you have a tractor trailer parked on his back lawn?

It's a bit of a leap distance wise from Yara to the old Varnicolor site on Union St. and then 150 yards further west to OW57-32R by the water tower. I had figured that Borg Textiles or Varnicolor were more likely candidates but as more data appears I'm not so sure. It now seems as if Uniroyal/Chemtura contaminants have percolated into the ground at Sulco Chemicals which is one step closer to Varnicolor. Of course only a few months back I had asked Chemtura at a public CPAC meeting how the soil at depth at Yara/Nutrite could be so heavily contaminated with Chlorobenzene and NDMA. The answer I was given didn't make much sense then and certainly less so now. I was told that contaminants from Chemtura's supposedly long hydraulically contained groundwater had diffused into the aquifer and aquitards beneath Yara. The latest information is in regards to both groundwater and soil results on the Sulco property.

What is also interesting about Sulco is that the Region of Waterloo owns property between Chemtura and Sulco; namely the Elmira Sewage Treatment plant. Isn't that interesting? Now looking at a map, maybe Chemtura's DNAPL and more flowed west to Yara and then made a ninety degree turn south onto Sulco. Or maybe it flowed fairly directly under the Region of Waterloo's STP onto Sulco's property. The plot is constantly thickening. What has been a constant is the blatant untruthfulness doled out to the public who by the way are paying 50% of the off-site cleanup. If as it now appears, Uniroyal/Chemtura have discharged DNAPLS onto one, two, three or four of their neighbours' properties it becomes even more obvious that their so called pump & treat of the Elmira Aquifers was a sham from the start. A sham in which a number of our governments aided and abetted them.

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