Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The following article was in last Thursday's Elmira Independent "Money available to landowners for well, septic projects". The money comes from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment as part of the implementation of the Ontario Clean Water Act. This is the legislation which came about after the Walkerton water tragedy. Just as an aside Walkerton took place while the Conservatives were in power provincially and after they had severely cut M.O.E. funding. That being said there was lots of blame to go around and the Conservatives weren't the only ones with blood on their hands.

It is the GRCA (Grand River Conservation Authority) which are administering the distribution of this money. "The grants are available for properties near the municipal drinking water sources that are the most vulnerable to potential contamination. These are within the Wellhead Protection Areas around municipal wells and the Intake Protection Zones around surface water intakes identified through the Drinking Water Source Protection Program.".

Further information can be obtained via jdeter@grandriver.ca or 519-621-2761, Ext. 2268.

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