Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The press releases went out yesterday. Chemtura Canada, formerly Uniroyal Chemical, know exactly where the most toxic chemicals known to mankind are and with the blessing of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, they are going to leave them in the floodplain of the Canagagigue Creek. One week from tomorrow, in Woolwich Council Chambers at 6 pm., they will face the wrath of CPAC. That isn't enough. Citizens if you've ever read about Agent Orange in Vietnam or the devastating health effects sufferred by U.S. servicemen and their families, then please come out Thursday July 26 at 6 pm.

These Dioxins have been found in the creek on site as well as miles downstream in the floodplain. They are consumed and ingested by wildlife and by humans alike. Irresponsible companies like Chemtura are exactly why there is a toxic chemical burden in human beings. I'm not sure which disgusts me more, the behaviour of the source of these Dioxins namely Chemtura or our pretend environmental protectors the M.O.E..

Chemtura's longtime consultants, CRA, have used public school science at best to "investigate" the quantity and location of both Dioxins and DDT. Yes that is the DDT which has long been banned due to it's devastating effects on the eggshells of birds. It also is present in the natural environment, on their site. It too will be covered up, literally. The CRA/Chemtura/M.O.E. "plan" is to remove the top one foot of topsoil from the worst area that their public school "investigation" found. They are then going to leave everything else in place, much of which exceeds "human health based cleanup criteria". They will however "cap" parts of those areas with a geotextile covering. This cleanup is the equivalent of a neurosurgeon giving a haircut and a baseball cap to a brain tumour victim. Serious surgery is required not Chemtura's cosmetics.

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