Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Last week I did a posting titled "A History of off-Site Pumping". This compared the off-site pumping starting in 1998 up to and including 2011. With the exception of 2009 and 2010 the pumping rates were far below the computer modelled target rates required to allegedly sucessfully restore the Elmira aquifer to drinking water standards. I had not received the December 2011 Progress Report at that time so I averaged the first eleven months to obtain an annual average pumping rate for 2011. With the December 2011 off-site pumping rate in hand I can advise that it is not only well below the required target rate but it is also below the average rate for the rest of 2011. Of the five off-site wells, in December, well E7 at the extreme south end of Elmira met it's target pumping rate. Wells W3, W4, W5A, and W5B were not even close.

Of equal or greater concern is the lack of on-site containment in the UA or Upper Aquifer. Both the UACS (Upper Aquifer Containment System) failed to provide complete hydraulic containment for the extremely contaminated south-west area but also the south-east UA was discharging directly into the Canagagigue Creek. This of course is where the Dioxin contamination is largest namely at GP1 & GP2. This can be found both on page 8 as well as in figures D3 and D4 in the Appendices.

In regards to surface water, again there are four chemicals measured at higher downstream concentrations on the Chemtura site than upstream and they are NDMA, NMOR, Toluene and Ethylbenzene.

With or without the argument that Source Removal is required both on the Chemtura site and off it; what is obvious is that Chemtura and their consultants are failing in every category and measurement of their own goals and targets. These monthly Progress Reports need to be on the AGENDA and discussed PUBLICLY every single month. To date we haven't had a public CPAC meeting since November and the next scheduled one isn't till February 23, 2012. That is unless MAYOR COWAN UNILATERALLY CANCELS IT AGAIN ! SHAME ON THE MAYOR AND HIS CLOSEST ADVISERS. It's not just your lack of knowledge it's your efforts to subvert public consultation and remove the voices of those citizens far more knowledgable on this topic than you will ever be.

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