Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If only it was a "Progress" report. Here in the Advocate I reported on the December Progress Report on January 22/11 and the November P. Report on December 21/10. Well the downward spiral continues for the third month in a row . The computer modelled target pumping rates for the four off-site wells W5A/B, W3 and W4 is 26.5 liters per second. This is what is required to allegedly restore the Elmira Aquifer to drinking water standards by 2028. Last November, Chemtura achieved 15.9 l/sec. Last December it was 22.2 l/sec and last month they "achieved" 15.9 l/sec. The excuses over the years vary but the results don't. They stink.

For the second month in a row the combined treatment system has not met the effluent objectives for nitrosomorpholine (NMOR). Also not coincidentally this same chemical for the second month in a row has been detected in the surface water, namely Canagagigue Creek. Hence why we sometimes use the phrase Pump and Dump in regards to hydraulic containment. The collected and treated groundwater has to go somewhere and that somewhere is into the creek.

Finally as part of the long term granting of concessions by the old CPAC, to the destroyer of our local drinking water, we are advised that Chemtura did not measure the Upper aquifer groundwater elevations in January 2011. Hence Chemtura are in the enviable position of being able, if they so choose, to continue their decades old practice of discharging either semi or untreated groundwater to the creek with impunity. Afterall if you only have to measure your groundwater elevations every few months to prove hydraulic containment why pump diligently in between?

HYDRAULIC CONTAINMENT is a joke as a cleanup method and here in Elmira not even enforceable.

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