Tuesday, April 10, 2018


First off look at the title. It almost implies that you can have acceptable toxic chemicals in the natural environment. This is the big lie perpetrated by both the Ontario Ministry of Environment as well as by polluting industries. None of these chemicals should be in the natural environment anywhere at any concentration. The fact that they are now ubiquitous in the air, soil and water is a damning indictment of human for profit greed and our worldwide political leadership's willingness to tolerate the poisoning of our planet. The fact that they are present at "background" concentrations everywhere is reprehensible.

Back we go to the Lanxess site that was supposedly cleaned up ten to fifteen years ago of Dioxins and DDT. That cleanup was so typical of the cheapest most minimal cleanups that have been done over the decades. 2,4-DDD + 4,4-DDD which again were not mentioned in the text have a total of fourteen exceedances in the Sediments of the creek on the Chemtura/Lanxess site. 2,4-DDT + 4,4-DDT also had fourteen exceedances both in the text and in Table 10 regarding creek Sediments. Finally 2,4-DDE + 4,4-DDE had ten exceedances in both the text and Table 10.

Lastly Dioxins and Furans in the creek sediments on the Lanxess site had 26 exceedances of the criteria. Interestingly one sample in the creek had a reading of 285 pg/g or 285 parts per trillion (ppt) while the standard is .85 ppt.. This matches with the data in Table 10. The .85 ppt refers to the Interim Sediment Quality Guideline (ISQG) while there is also a criteria referred to as the Probable Effect Level (PEL) which is at 21.5 ppt.

Only four historic Floodplain Sites were tested for in this report namely FP5, FP8, FP9 and FP10 although a Floodplain Pond near New Jerusalem Rd. was also tested. DDD again is unmentioned in the text however this time it sort of makes sense as there were zero exceedances of the criteria. Total DDT had five exceedances mentioned in the text whereas I only found two in Table 11. Total DDE is stated in the text as having fifteen exceedances and again I only found one exceedance in Table 11. This discrepancy borders on the bizarre.

Then we hit Dioxins and Furans in Floodplain sites (Soils). The text clearly states that the results in Table 12 had five exceedances of the criteria. That matches with what I found in the Tables section. The problem is that there is no Table 12. What the hell! These results are clearly in Table 11 not in the non-existent table 12. These errors in the text absolutely do not instill confidence in me that everything is either competent or on the up and up in this report.

These are the results offered in the text section of this report and how they compare with the Tables section. I will be looking at the Conclusions and Recommendations and seeing how realistic they are with regards to the data found.

1 comment:

  1. Not much to say this time for me except Tables sometimes are forgotten in a report. And also numbers sometimes get entered in error. For the size of this supposed report, I think they probably did the best they could sampling and lab analyzing and reporting for the budget that they had. I personally have been there, seen that and done it. Also today's science has come a long way from the early days but so has the increased cost of sampling, analyzing and reporting. I to look forward to your analysis of the conclusions and recommendations as those in my mind are the meat of this latest entire study. What is the path forward is the final question?
