Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Last evening at Woolwich Council Lynne Hare of West Montrose spoke regarding the new Application put forth by Preston Sand & Gravel. After doing some site grading they had to stop as they encountered the water table at a significantly higher elevation than they had previously determined. In fact critics have been advising of that possibility for some time in Woolwich Council Chambers and suggesting that indeed the proponents would be coming back requesting their above water table permit be enhanced to a below water table permit. We were advised last evening by Dan Kennally (Woolwich Twp.) that there have been very few such requests in recent years due to opposition from the Region of Waterloo who have belatedly realized the damage to groundwater and the natural environment caused by these gravel pits.

Currently between new development and gravel pits Waterloo Region are losing on average 2,000 acres of farmland per year. This is in one of the finest agricultural areas throughout Ontario. The loss doesn't just affect farmland but the proliferation of gravel pits along the Grand River results in both warmer and dirtier groundwater discharging into the river. This affects all life in the river including fish species as well as endangered species such as the wavy rayed lampmussel.

There will be a huge lake constructed due to the below water table excavation near the Grand River as the ground and river water infiltrates into the excavation. Lynne Hare showed a brief video of the sight that awaits nearby homeowners as a drag line is used to excavate gravel from the bottom of the lake. She also advised that due to storms and erosion of the possibilty of a breech between the newly constructed lake and the river. In that case silt from the lake would enter the river and most likely cause fish kills.

This area is a shockingly bad location for a gravel pit and totally unecessary. Kudos to Lynne Hare and collegues who have been fighting this pit for years.

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