Thursday, April 7, 2016


Boy you have to give the Woolwich Observer credit. In their Editorial of two weeks ago they advised Woolwich Council to just drop the Delegate bashing Motion they passed. Council to their discredit did not do so. They are truly receiving some awful advice (CAO?) or they are just too dogmatic and pigheaded to listen.

Today's Woolwich Observer article is titled "Woolwich backs away, but not all the way down, from divisive delegate policy". I have not seen the Observer go quite so far in their comments regarding mayor Shantz. They suggest she is a liar albeit using more diplomatic language. Phrases include "...revisionist slant on what happened in council chambers two weeks prior." and "She said council did not try to prevent Holt from speaking, when that was clearly the case.".

Tuesday evening's second Council debacle in a row is the direct result of Councillor Mark Bauman and mayor Shantz being in bed with Chemtura. I know mayor Shantz has received untruthful and dishonest advice from former Councillor Pat Mclean for many years concerning Chemtura Canada. That said she has also received good advice from CPAC and ignored it. Bauman's and Sandy Shantz's preoccupation with protecting Chemtura Canada at all costs have led this Council into disrepute and disharmony. Councillor Merlihan trys very hard to be diplomatic with his Council colleagues but perhaps he's reaching the end of his patience. That would be understandable.

How much more obvious that Bauman and S. Shantz are on a mission to destroy and discredit the Citizens Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) can it become? CPAC's local, educated, experienced and informed citizens have taken the lead in holding both Chemtura and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment accountable. There is and has been a coverup of the environmental damage, both past and present, going on here in Woolwich Township aided and abetted by our local Councils specifically including Mark Bauman, Sandy Shantz, Murray Martin, Pat Mclean and former multiple polluter in his own right, Bill Strauss. Thank You mayor Shantz for your ongoing, public attempts to discredit the first and only CPAC (2010-2015) who have turned this coverup on its' head. Thank You Dr. Gail Krantzberg, David Marks hydrogeologist, MTE Consultants, MBN Environmental, three Phds on CPAC as well as a registered nurse, an environmental management company owner, a still active health & safety consultant and finally a retired high school mathematics department head for your professionalism and forebearance in the face of this unprecedented and cowardly attack by mayor Shantz and most of her Council colleagues.

They blatantly and publicly lied about CPAC all through last year in order to justify the unjustifiable. They dismissed CPAC because Chemtura and the M.O.E. boycotted public CPAC meetings the instant AFTER the new Council were elected in October 2014. When this combined with refusing any questions from the public attending RAC & TAG meetings failed to stop CPAC members, Council then broke their own Procedural By-laws in lying to CPAC Delegates by telling them they did not have the right to address Council.

CPAC continues and will fight all Chemtura/M.O.E. attempts at misrepresenting the truth. Woolwich Council either get on board or get the hell out of the way.

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