Thursday, August 6, 2015


This coming Tuesdy August 11 we have Committee of the Whole at 6 PM.. I believe that Vivienne Delaney, Ron Campbell and Graham Chevreau of CPAC will all be speaking as Delegates albeit on various matters. Yours truly is also booked for a little tete a tete with our esteemed Council.

Recently the Ontario M.O.E. have been requesting information from Graham and CPAC regarding their recent sediment testing in Canagagigue Creek. This has been highly ignorant of them under all the circumstances. First off the disrespectful bastards should be making their inquiries through Chair Dr. Dan Holt. They aren't so they can go kiss themselves. Secondly they were invited (again) to attend CPAC two weeks ago when Graham made his presentation regarding the sediment testing done for CPAC. The M.O.E. failed to attend (again). Thirdly they and Chemtura lied like the dogs they are at the April 9/15 pretend "stakeholders" meeting about Dr. Dan, myself and CPAC. Did I already suggest that they could go kiss themselves?

Yesterday's Waterloo Region Record carried an article by Paige Desmond titled "Audit of Woolwich councillor's expenses nears end". There will be yet another meeting in Council Chambers on August 27 at 10 am. I personally will attend and see if those idiots can even look me in the eye after their violation of the Elections Act on July 2/15 in Council Chambers. They illegally accepted Mayor Shantz's last minute second set of Financial Statements and Auditor's Report. I expect the Auditor's report to be damning in regards to Scott Hahn's ridiculous filed Financial Statement. It will be interesting to see if MECAC does the right thing and send it on to the courts for prosecution or whether the subverted MECAC will ride to yet another politicians's rescue.

Woolwich Council and Staff are grossly inept and incompetent in oh so many ways. Let me add but one more way. Most municipal councils including past Woolwich Councils post the schedule of Council meetings for the entire year. Currently on the Township's website we have the fascinating knowledge that Council's last meeting was June 25/15. Seriously that's it folks. Not even this coming Tuesday's Council meeting is posted on-line. Are these folks complete space cadets? We pay them above private industry rates, load them with benefits at our cost and they can't even keep up to date on imminent Council meetings. CAO Dave Brenneman is ultimately responsible for all the staff but I guess he's too busy lately defending all the indefensible behaviours of council members. That and writing ridiculous and dishonest Resolutions disbanding committees of council are obviously distracting him.

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