Tuesday, July 21, 2015


MECAC on July 2/15 has been appropriately referred to as a " dog and pony show".

Former mayor Sandy Shantz's last minute presentation of 30 pages of Financials to MECAC was "trial by ambush".

Mark Bauman's Superior Court appearance last May was for all intents and purposes a midnight move.

Sandy's Superior Court appearance this Thursday at 10 am. while not a complete sneak; nevertheless effectively robs citizens of adequate time to prepare and address her glaring omissions of fact that she will present to the Court.

Both Mark and Sandy continue to misrepresent the facts when they publicly suggest that both MECAC and Mark's reinstatement somehow have adequately addressed their election expense shortcomings. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Woolwich Observer reported last Friday (8 am.) that Sandy Shantz was appearing in court this Thursday. The Observer at the absolute latest must have known no later than Thursday morning. Yours truly the MECAC Applicant & Complainant in this case, who had been advised that he would be informed ahead of time by Woolwich Township's lawyers, was so informed yesterday morning by e-mail; FOUR DAYS after the newspaper was so advised.

Fifty percent of this current Council have accurately and appropriately been brought to an accounting for their gross and ridiculous errors of omission and commission in filing their election Financial Statements. Hence they are in a gross conflict of interest position when they pretend to be Respondents yet again this Thursday to Sandy's Application for reinstatement.


  1. So, you were informed as per your request.

    1. I think it's time the Ministry of Municipalities runs our Township for one year to clean it up. All staff should have to take a course in the Privacy Act! Finding out a court date after a newspaper when you are the complainant is ridiculous and why didnt the clerk inform Mr. Marshall on time?

  2. wake up people and the truth will make you free...Mr. Marshall is on the PEOPLES side I prefer to be one of "the people" and not a sheeple. Remember the old analogy about the 2 wolves and the 1 sheep who held a meeting to democratically decide what will be served for dinner! Mr. Marshall could be referred to as a "sheepdog" becoming involved in the above scenario. As for me I love the truth, bring it on people!

    1. I completely agree and more people should be thanking Mr. Marshall for bringing the issue to light.

  3. http://mbc2p47osot3p33tk153x2es.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FEATURE_Election.jpg

  4. Politicians and special interest groups routinely bend over backwards to use the media to send little hints and clues of what they have ordered off the menu for us to eat. Ever since the day of the cave-dwellers its almost always the meeting BEFORE the meeting and the meeting AFTER the meeting that determines the true outcome of the so called "public meeting" The media is in a powerful position up to a certain point...it all comes down to how intelligent and how aware the audience is...to the degree of manipulation that is accomplished...personally I think it is brutal to find out in the media rather than from the responsible parties.
