Friday, June 5, 2015


The title of yesterday's Elmira Independent article (not on-line yet) is "Chemtura advisory committee term to end in September". Editor Gail Martin focuses on three issues namely the extension of the term until September 1, CPAC's declaration that Peter Gray (MTE) does not represent their interests at Chemtura's private, by invitation only "technical" meeting (CPAC members all excluded) and finally the Ministry of Environment's ridiculous, butt covering claim that they need $1,628 to cover costs of providing a two page Summary of taxpayers' costs (via the M.O.E.) of cleaning up the Elmira Aquifers.

CPAC spoke bluntly of their disappointment and concerns regarding Woolwich Council's abject failure to reappoint the current CPAC in a timely manner. They also spoke bluntly of certain Council members contemptible behaviour towards CPAC, both verbal and in writing, and then Council's arrogance at assuming they could extend CPAC's term contrary to both their Procedural By-Laws and contrary to decency, courtesy and respect. Two members of this Council have been meeting behind CPAC's back with Chemtura and the M.O.E. and have been totally undermining them for over six months now. They have also been excusing Chemtura and the M.O.E.'s absence from public consultation by holding their private, not in the public interest meetings with them. This is how Woolwich Township and Council treat citizen volunteers who take their public interest mandate seriously when it conflicts with the interest of senior staff and or Council. Shame on them.

Peter Gray's representation of Woolwich at private Chemtura meetings is also disgusting. Council in approving this are violating every known principle of public consultation there is. Chemtura/M.O.E/CRA desperately need to minimize Peter Gray's (MTE) two reports from October 2014 and March 2015. Those two Reports expose Chemtura/M.O.E. gross negligence in allowing off-site flow of DDT, Dioxins and much more. Peter will be co-opted either in reality or in fantasy but Chemtura/CRA will control all reports and documentation concerning the properties east and south of their site.

The Ministry's (M.O.E.) $1,628 FOI bill to CPAC is unacceptable. When will their be a public inquiry into this corrupt Ministry? They are beyond belief.

The next regularily scheduled full public CPAC meeting is scheduled for June 25 at 6 pm. in Council Chambers unless Council of course throw a snit in the meantime.

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