Tuesday, April 21, 2015


We found out last evening at the public CPAC Working Session that the Report/Minutes of the April 9/15 private, by invitation only meeting were written by Lisa Schaefer and Devin Petteplace, both Woolwich Township employees. While the outstanding hypocrisy of Mayor Shantz permits backroom hatchet jobs of identifiable individuals (including myself); apparently my comments either in person or here with my name on each and every posting are unacceptable to her. Good for the goose good for the gander, Sandy.

Councillor Mark Bauman piously pleaded that he had stood up for CPAC at that pretend stakeholders meeting. Sure doesn't look like it one bit when you read the five page report blaming CPAC for everything short of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. Of course if Dr. Dan had gone alone as was intended by Sandy he would have been massacred to his face by the cowards en masse personally attacking him. Not one name is attributed to one single false allegation in the report. Lisa allegedly on her own decided not to include the names of who made each and every pathetic lie. Those cowards including Dwight, Susan, Pat, Sandy, Mark and who knows maybe even Lisa and Devin participated in the free-for-all.

It would be difficult to believe that the three GRCA reps who have never attended CPAC meetings added to the lying. It would be difficult to believe that Inge Rinne representing Woolwich Healthy Communities added to the lying. That said it is peculiar that she was added to this list of non stakeholders in the first place. Did Helder Botelho, new to Chemtura, who has never attended a single CPAC meeting mouth off? All three M.O.E. reps have never attended a single CPAC meeting yet why do I suspect that didn't hold back Milli New from giving her two cents worth?

This dishonest, untruthful and cowardly Report written on Woolwich Township letterhead shames all of Woolwich Township because it directly attacks volunteers working on behalf of the Township. It is a black mark on all the good and honest employees of the Township. It taints the whole Council by having Councillor Bauman's name and the Mayor's name on the first page.

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