Monday, March 16, 2015


Look if Mayor Shantz and a colleague or two on the new Woolwich Council want to rescue Chemtura, save their reputation and several millions of dollars; feel free, go ahead. If Chemtura are privately threatening to leave Elmira without Woolwich Township intervention to hobble the current Chemtura Public Advisory Committee, again fine , so be it. But what you must stop doing Mayor Sandy Shantz is lying to CPAC and the public. If you want to crush, weaken, water down, threaten or intimidate CPAC into submission you will do so honestly and openly. No more lies!

For those of us in the know locally, your agenda has become blatant. Chemtura and the Ministry of Environment have manufactured a crisis by boycotting the last three public CPAC meetings. They have done this on your watch with your blessing. Your response has been to promote a private, secret discussion between pretend stakeholders. Any real discussion and meeting on the 2028 cleanup deadline for the Elmira Aquifers and on the ongoing discharges of Dioxins (2,3,7,8 TCDD)and DDT off the east side of Chemtura and then down the Canagagigue Creek must include six CPAC members and be public.

You have appointed two local residents to your pretend stakeholders meeting who have the appearance of a conflict of interest. It is most likely that they are the very same pair who along with the current CPAC members reapplied for appointment last Novemeber. To date you have refused to admit that. I have sent you and the rest of Council further evidence this weekend indicating that one of them has worked with, "assisted", or collaborated with Chemtura's long time consultants Conestoga Rovers (CRA) on their E:DAT project (3-D groundwater modelling). This evidence includes at least half a dozen honest witnesses to that specific conversation between Steve Quigley of CRA and Susan Bryant at the November 29, 2012 public CPAC meeting. Other evidence includes hand written notes from that meeting plus a formal posting here and publicly available on the Elmira Advocate since the next morning ie. November 30/12. Lastly all public CPAC meetings are recorded. This public conversation was recorded and with the date and time available can easily be checked. These recordings however are solely under the control of Woolwich Township. Rest assurred Mayor Sandy and her CAO will never voluntarily release them and substantiate that those who deny this conversation regarding collaboration, are lying.

The second plant on this pretend stakeholders meeting is past Woolwich Councillor Pat McLean. She has been jetting across North America on the Chemical Industry's dime for at least a decade including secretly while the Chair of a citizens public advisory committee (CPAC). She was appointed to the National Advisory Panel of the Chemical Industry Association of Canada (CIAC). Her technical, chemical and scientific skills are literally nil. This appointment was due to her Chairmanship of CPAC plus most likely a recommendation from Chemtura. Her "secret" membership plus perks came to light via the Internet. Her name and photograph indicate different venues and meetings across the continent she has attended on an all expenses paid basis. I was a voting CPAC member from 2000 until 2008 and never was I told or informed as to what she was doing on behalf of the chemical industry.

Woolwich Council no longer have plausible deniability. They have been informed and must do the right thing. That means, that pair, off of both the "stakeholders" meeting where they allegedly are representing the public interest and they must not be appointed to the incoming CPAC for the same reason. Anything less and Woolwich council are complicit in this fraud being perpetrated upon the public. I repeat Sandy you can have your way but you will tell the public exactly the truth and what you are doing. The deception must stop.

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