Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The title of this December 2014 report is "Remediation and Capping of Former Gravel Pit Areas (GP1 and GP2). The first issue is whether or not they actually excavated GP1 at all. Maps and text have been presented both at Woolwich Council and at the January 2015 CPAC meeting which cast considerable doubt on the location of the real GP1. The evidence suggests that a more likely location which cooresponds to a 1983 M.O.E. map is on the east side of a high gravel ridge that runs diagonally from NW to SE. This GP1 would also gravity drain into the Stroh Drain and then run further south eventually discharging into the Canagagigue Creek.

There are a number of problems with this report. Page 15 is particularily obnoxious as it misinterprets and mistates facts with reckless abandon. Comments such as suggesting that their much deeper excavations than planned were "near the central portion of GP-1." are inaccurate. This much deeper excavation starts at the extreme north end of GP1. Further they state that "These locations corresponded approximately to where the greatest concentrations of DDT and the greatest dioxins and furans TEQs had been identified..." is also inaccurate. Finally they suggest that Tervita subsequently excavated additional soil to an approximate maximun depth of 1.0 m bgs (below ground surface) in some areas.". Wrong again unless you feel 1.0 metre bgs is approximately the same as 2 metres bgs.

I have learned over the years not to expect much from CRA reports and I am rarely disappointed. Their Figures # 6 and 8 are inconsistent with each other in regards to the soil sample depths used in determining that supplemental excavations in 2014 were required. Figure # 9 shows a picture of the exact depths of the contaminated areas excavated as part of the supplemental work done in 2014. The depths in Figure # 9 do not match the text discription of the depths given on page 19. And on it goes.

The only thing worse than these nonsensical, unprofessional and semi literate CRA reports is that our corrupt M.O.E. constantly find these reports as acceptable. CRA are so used to their nonsense being rubberstamped by the M.O.E. that they can't even be bothered to edit them and clean up the most obvious of their errors.

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