Thursday, December 5, 2013


This study used to be annual and now it's only every two years. It's been going since the mid 90's and the parameters being examined for biological uptake are chlorophenols (leeches), DDT and Dioxins into clams. We at CPAC and SWAT received this study probably back in September and as there have been really only two improvements namely in 1997 (upper aquifer containment) and 2006 (excavation of island and creekbank); it's difficult to jump into this report. Nevertheless I am refreshing my memory as well as seeing a few anomolies in this year's report to date.

As expected the big drop in chlorophenols in leeches occurred after the south-west corner of the Uniroyal/Chemtura site was hydraulically contained in 1997. Chlorophenols flow readily in groundwater and were being discharged via groundwater from the south-west ponds namely RPW 5,6,7, & 8. The M2 area a former Town of Elmira dump also used by Uniroyal was also a source. Similarily DDT and Dioxins had preferentially bonded with soils and sediments in the south-west area including a small island in the Canagagigue Creek. This excavation and removal of soils and sediments also has greatly reduced the uptake of them by clams put in the creek in cages every second summer.

Here is where it gets interesting. Chlorophenols, DDT and Dioxins and Furans are still being discharged into the creek from Chemtura and being absorbed via clams, leeches and probably many other organisms moving up the food chain. Also of interest is the relatively higher quantities being found at Station 17 downstream past the Chemtura property line. This data combined with the recently found high concentrations of DDT further downstream in the Canagagigue sediments may actually force the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E.) into action. Their long held excuse for not ordering more on-site source removal has been that everything is contained. This is absolute rubbish and the M.O.E. know it. That site, while improovements have been made, nevertheless has never stopped discharging its' toxic contaminants into the natural environment including air, groundwater and surface water.

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