Thursday, September 12, 2013


This public meeting was held this past Tuesday evening at 7 pm. in the Woolwich Township Building. The Chair was Earl Brubacher. He advised that construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year with operations beginning immediately after. It will have a ramp up period of approximately six months.

In regards to the flare they have for burning excess gas etc. it will not have regular temperature monitoring. This was described as normal and in line with both landfill and sewage treatment plant flares. Also the 850 C. minimum tempurature is not required although they have the capability to achieve it if necessary. Apparently the Ontario Ministry of the Environment removed that as a requirement. While little concern was expressed Tuesday evening by the participants I do recall from two meetings ago Mr. Gerry Heideburt being concerned that it should stay as a requirement. Gerry was not present Tuesday nite so I don't know if his position has changed or not on the matter.

It was announced that Woolwich Bio-En had obtained a contract to supply 250 KW of power to a nearby dairy farm. This is approximately 9% of Woolwich Bio-En's capacity.

Michael Purves-Smith raised the issue of money for peer reviews if necessary by the concerned citizens. It was recalled that the company has offerred $25,000 on a dollar for dollar matching basis. Therefore Michael and others with the support of Woolwich Bio-En will be approaching Council for funding on this matter. Once again I found this meeting to be calm and respectful and the company appear quite willing to answer questions from both the citizens on the committee as well as the several in attendance as spectators. In my view to date this is an example of what a citizens liason committee can be and should be but it takes co-operation from both parties.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7 pm. Monday November 4/13 to be held in the Dodie Hummel Room at the Township Building.